Gaining Weight Unexpectedly?

After a long day of work, school, or maybe an outing with friends or family, you typically want to come home and just relax.  It usually ends up with sitting in front of the television and grabbing your favorite snack.

Did you know that while watching your favorite sitcom, you become distracted and end up wolfing down that delicious snack you are eating without even knowing?  Picture it, you are eating chocolate chip cookies and you are so intrigued by the show you are watching you end up eating 10 cookies and do not even realize it!

That is a whole lot of calories, fat, and sugar that you are consuming in just one sitting!  If you do this a few times a week, you will be sure that gaining weight will go hand in hand.

According to an article on WebMD from HealthDay News, a way to prevent over eating is to TAKE SMALLER BITES!  Be aware of the amount of food that you are consuming and try to become less distracted when watching a movie or television show.

Another tip to change your eating habits is somewhat common sense, eat a healthy snack!  You do not need to eat cookies, cupcakes, or candy to satisfy that sweet or salty tooth.  Snack on something more healthy like apples and peanut butter or a bag of 100 calorie popcorn!

If you are someone who has developed this habit and let it spiral out of control, and want to change your lifestyle, MD Aligne has the solution for you!

Cornerstone Wellness is the only medically supervised weight loss program in the United States.  With three different programs to chose from, you are sure to lose weight the healthy way!  Their delicious meal replacement shakes and natural supplements that help to control cravings, will get you on the right track to healthier habits.

Everyone loves to relax after a long day, but don’t let that relaxtion turn into a long term change to your health and your body!  Take control and keep MD Aligne and Cornerstone Wellness in your back pocket!

Visiting the US and Need Health Information?

Are you one of the 64 million tourists that are expected to visit the United States of America this year?  Have you ever wondered what happens or what to do if you become injured or ill?  Do you have the proper visitor health information if a health issue occurs?

When visiting the United States of America, health issues are probably the last thing on your mind.  However, if you fall ill or become injured, there are a few problems you can run into:

  •     No insurance?  Emergency rooms, doctor’s offices, and urgent care clinics will charge outrageous amounts of money
  •     Average wait time in the emergency room or urgent care clinic is 8 hours
  •     Urgent care clinics are generally opened only certain hours such as 8am to 8pm

As the doctor shortage gets worse, a U.S.A. visitor may not even be able to get into a doctor’s office for at least three weeks.

MD Aligne allows you as a visitor to contact a nurse or a doctor 24 hours a day 7 days a week.  If you fall ill and do not know what to do or cannot find the nearest urgent care clinic, MD Aligne nurses and doctors are here to take care of your non-acute healthcare needs.

With MD Aligne you have two options to chose from to contact a doctor:

eConsult – If you are in the U.S.A. for a long term stay and are staying with a relative or at a hotel, this option may be convenient for you.  With an eConsult, you can contact a doctor online and if an eligible medication is prescribed, you can have it sent to your place of stay from one of MD Aligne’s mail-order-pharmacies.

TeleConsult – If you are only staying for a short period of time, a TeleConsult might suit you best.  You can call a doctor at anytime of the day and if they prescribe an eligible medication, you can pick it up at a local pharmacy near you.

The Flu is Spreading are you Feeling Sick?

If you are someone who is feeling sick and feel like the Flu maybe attacking your immune system, please keep your friends and family safe by taking precautions so the virus does not spread! According to Time Ideas, it is important when sneezing to not use your hands.  This will cause the Flu to spread to everything that you touch.  If you need to sneeze please use the “proper sneezing etiquette” of sneezing into your elbow.  Also, make sure that you are getting the proper rest, drinking fluids, and taking the proper medications to kick the Flu to the curb!

For the rest of the healthy people out there, do not let yourself get infected by this virus!  Use these tips from WebMD to keep your immune system healthy and to prevent the Flu from affecting you!

  •     Reduce your stress
  •     Eat your antioxidants
  •     Take your vitamins
  •     Consider herbs and supplements
  •     Keep your body moving
  •     Get a good nights sleep
  •     Wash your hands

If you still have not gotten your Flu shot, it is not too late!

MD Aligne provides a wide variety of Viosan condition specific health supplements.  These supplements can help keep your body as healthy as possible and is a great Flu prevention tactic to use!

If you are one of the sick ones out there, please take advantage of MD Aligne’s Telehealth approach!  Do not be afraid to contact a doctor by either telephone or using an online doctor consultation.  With 24/7 access to a nurse or a doctor, you can get the health solutions you need at home without leaving your bed!

Don’t let the Flu affect your life!  Take action and proper preventions so that you can stay healthy!